The FFA Coalition

Who We Are

The FFA Coalition is made up of three organizations-The Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC), The University of California Student Association (UCSA), and The Cal-State Student Association (CSSA).

Our Mission

The FFA Coalition is advocating for a comprehensive financial aid system that reflects today’s cost of college​​. Our priority is equity; that’s why we’re fighting for a financially accessible system because we can’t create equity if students can’t afford college in the first place.

The Problem

On January 10, 2022, the California Governor released a state budget which included $13 billion in funding for education. This budget meets the constitutionally required funding level for schools and community colleges but does not go far enough to promote equity and access.

Without structural change to the financial aid system, our lowest income and underserved students will still not have equitable access to higher education. Last year the governor and legislature expressed their understanding of the need to fund the full cost of college and some financial support was provided towards this goal. Nevertheless, these needs have not been fully met.

Our Solution

The FFA Coalition is working to promote the Cal Grant Equity Framework. Reforming the current Cal Grant system will make financial aid more accessible to students who need support the most.

This framework will :

  • Make college more financially attainable

  • Simplify the application process

  • Meet the needs of lower-income students, veterans, Dreamers, students of color, student-parents, returning students, and more

  • Invest in California’s economy by establishing a robust workforce

  • Address the Governor’s 70% attainment goal

Under a new legislative proposal – AB 1746—Cal Grant awards would reach nearly 150,000 more people. In addition, it would be restructured to better meet students’ needs while maintaining existing levels of support for middle-class families.

How You Can Make A Difference

The FFA Coalition is committed to bettering the financial aid system but we can’t do it alone. We need California students, local leaders, and anyone who’s interested in getting involved to join us in taking simple and tangible steps to support this campaign. Click below to take action today.